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Instructor – Arvin Clar

Arvin Clar

Arvin Clar is a nationally known instructor in security, police operations, and economic crime. He has been a speaker for many organizations, corporations, and trade groups, and has conducted security evaluations and assessments of financial institutions throughout the United States. His nearly 40 years of experience in the fields of risk assessment and analysis in the financial services industry and premises security and safety issues includes: evaluating the level of appropriate safety and security, professional investigation services, violent criminal acts, security survey and analysis, accident investigation, the investigation of fraud and financial crime, and the design of security systems for financial institutions.

Prior to joining Thompson Consulting Group, Arvin served with the Cleveland Police Department for over 29 years, where he served as a detective in the Financial Crimes Unit. Arvin was responsible for the investigations of thousands of financial crime cases and prepared and presented these cases for state and federal prosecution.

Arvin’s additional experience includes over 35 years of lecturing at the college-level on courses of Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Criminal Investigation and over 17 years of serving as a Bank Protection Coordinator for a large, regional bank where he oversaw the safety and investigation of fraud issues of 750 banking branches throughout five states.

Mr. Clar has been published in several national magazines regarding security, fraud, and investigations. He has authored training programs for bank robbery and identity theft and has been a featured guest on National Public Radio.

Total Course Results: ( 1 )
Course Title Start Date Start Time End Date Delivery Type Delivery Option Instructor / Location Price
Handling Violent Robberies: The Unspoken Nightmare for a Security Officer Webinar Any Any Any Webinar On-Demand Arvin Clar $299.00
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